Basic EMS Rules

EMS must be in uniform when on duty, they should also be using their dedicated vehicle when on duty responding to emergency 911 calls. Uniforms are strictly forbidden while off duty.

EMS MUST roleplay during their revival scenario or when simply helping someone.

EMS are not to engage in wepaon firefights & not be equipped with weapons (if you have any weapons as EMS you may store it in the lockers at the hospital).

EMS are not to use escort improperly only when taking a patient to and from an ambulance.

Your character you’re using for EMS should not be associated with any illegal gang activities please use a different character slot for criminalized characters.

If EMS arrives on an active crime scene, EMS should contact police or await their confirmed 'Code 4 - All clear' status call. EMS should be in communications with officers before any medical treatment is to be given.

EMS should not try to “be a hero” and should avoid endangering themselves & others.

EMS MUST NOT SELL MEDKITS or iFAKS. Only bandages & painkillers to patients.

SUVs, Cars and other small mobile medical vehicles should only be used by first responding officers or EMTs only if the situation is non-life threatening.

Please have atleast 1(ONE) ambulance during dispatches at ALL times!

Police Radio frequency will be channel 5-8 EMS frequency will be 1-4 Open Air frequency will be 9-10. these channels are encrypted, and no public access.

EMS are considered an essential service to the city and may not be kidnapped or killed intentionally.

EMS breaking any of these rules may be fired from their job. As well as if the offense is great enough warned or banned.

Last updated